Growing Fall Asters For Beneficials

Fall asters are a delightful addition to your garden.  Their startling lavender petals with gold centers provide welcome color at a time when many flowers are done blooming. They are good to plant around your fall garden to attract beneficial insects. ...

Attracting Toads to Your Garden

American Toad For those of you who wish to use fewer and less toxic pesticides in the garden, you should attract toads to your garden.  A single adult toad can eat 10,000 insect pests in a single summer.  Toads eat most insects, including slugs, gypsy moths, and...

Time to Clean Your Fruit Orchards

Snow in the peach orchard With the end of fruit season, it is time to ready your fruit trees for winter.  Here are some of the things you can do to help them, Things To Avoid Do not fertilize after mid summer to avoid interfering with the trees hardening off process...

Why a Tree Dies From Drought

Old Oak Tree Home owners are frequently stunned when a tree that appeared to make it through the drought last year “suddenly” dies.  Actually, trees take a long time to die.  Many trees that appear to be dying now have been dying all year from the...