Growing Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash Butternut squash (Cucurbita mo is a type of winter squash with a hard exterior shell and seeds. Native to the Americas, butternut squash has been cultivated for 6,000 years. It is closely related to the pumpkin with a vine that grows along the ground....

Growing Patty Pan Squash

Patty pan squash is a type of summer squash that looks like a UFO with scalloped edges. They are not difficult to grow and are nearly as prolific as zucchini squash. They take up about as much room as a zucchini squash plant and are more upright than vining. How to...

Hand Pollinating Squash and Cucumbers

Spagehitti Squash Blossom Are you having problems with your cucumbers and squash growing to two or three inches long and then rotting?  You may be having pollination problems. Pollination Insects    Squash and cucumbers have male and female flowers.  Bees bring pollen...

Growing Winter Squash

Winter Squash photo by Paul Asman and Jill Lenoble Winter squash is grown much like summer squash.  The difference is in the harvest.  Summer squash is picked while it is immature and the rind is soft.  Winter squash is picked when mature and the rind hard.  Winter...

Growing yellow summer squash

Yellow summer squash is a warm-weather squash usually planted around the last freeze date in an area.  Zucchini squash, while technically a summer squash, has a post of its’ own.  Yellow squash is a Cucurbita, just as zucchini squash, cucumbers, and...

Growing Zucchini Squash

Country people joke that we keep our cars locked in the summer so someone won’t put a bag of zucchini in the front seat.  Zucchini is easy to grow and produces large amounts of vegetables, so you only need a few plants to feed your family.  Even then,...