Spinosad: An organic insecticide

Organic gardening is about working with nature to grow your plants, harvest the fruits of your labors, and share the planet with the plants and animals around you.  Sometimes, though, the animals, specifically the insects, get greedy and you need something to make...

Cheap Seeds Are Expensive

Cheap seeds are expensive.  They cost a great deal in wasted time, money, fertilizer, water, and space.  This is because the germination rate, or the number of seeds in each packet that actually sprout, is usually very low.  You plant seeds and do all the right...

Seed Saving

Seed saving can be an effective way to obtain seeds for your next garden.  Heirloom varieties and plants that are adapted to local conditions can be saved this way.  The basics are easy — you let some of your vegetable plants go to seed and save...

Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is all the rage now.  However, what exactly constitutes organic gardening differs among the groups of people advocating it.  The simplest definition is that organic gardening uses only natural substances, not synthetic ones, to grow...

Invasive Pest Prevention

Adult Emerald Ash Borer If you have ever traveled out of the country, you have been given a set of rules to follow when bringing back stuff from your holiday.  This list includes no meat, fruits and vegetables, plants, cut flowers, and then other stuff.  Do you know...