Growing Beans In North Central Texas

There are lots of kinds of beans, but green beans are a good example of how to grow the whole family of beans.  There are bush beans, which are similar to little shrubs, and pole beans, which are like ivy and need poles for support.  You can grow both kinds...

Growing Turnips and Turnip Greens

Turnips are a two-for-one vegetable.  You can grow them for their tops, which you eat like spinach, or for the turnip itself, or both.  In any case, turnips are cool-season crops.  In my part of Texas, they are planted around the first of February or in the fall, when...

How To Water Vegetables Properly

Watering seems like one of those no-brainer things but can be deceptively complex.  Generally, with lawns, shrubs, and trees, the goal of watering is not only to keep the plant alive but to do so in a way that produces strong roots.  Then, the plant can find...

Preparing your dirt for your seeds

Planting a garden requires some preparation of the soil in which the vegetables will grow.  Scratching a furrow with a hoe doesn’t work very well if you want good, healthy vegetables.  Some preparation upfront will reap a lot of benefits later. Removing Weeds...