Using Peat Disks to Start Seeds

In North Central Texas, it is time to start your seeds for the cool spring plants you plant outside at the beginning of February.  These plants include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other above-ground plants.  You can find information on when to plant in North...

Planning Your Vegetable Garden

Couleur / Pixabay   It is time to plan your vegetable garden for the coming season. Seed catalogs are coming in the mail.  The weather may be horrible but you can dream of spring and planting your garden.  You can plan your garden and order your seeds and plants while...

Waterwise Irrigation Audit

Photo by 2DU Kenya59 on Flickr Since most of the country has been in a drought off and on for the last few years, cities are restricting watering the yard.  They are fining those who waste water by watering the street or watering too long.  This is an excellent time...