by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Dec 16, 2010 | gardening101
Companion planting is planting two plants together so that both grow better. In some cases, the second plant is bait for the pests that would otherwise plague the first, more desirable, plant. Before chemical pesticides were available, companion planting was used as...
by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Dec 3, 2010 | gardening101
Napa Cabbage Do you evaluate your vegetable garden each year? How does it do? I don’t mean if it is an A student, but how does the amount of work put into the garden balance out with the amount of produce that comes out of the garden. Since most people plan...
by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Nov 23, 2010 | gardening101
I end a lot of my articles with instructions to consult your local Extension agent for specific information. Living in rural Texas most of my life, it never occurred to me to explain just what an Extension agent was and how to find the office nearest you. Not, that...
by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Nov 22, 2010 | gardening101
Diseased leaf We have all had plants die on us. Sometimes the cause is obvious — a big chunk chewed out of the plant, or so many bugs they kill the plant. Other times, the cause is not so obvious. Then it is often a disease that killed the plant. Types of...
by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Nov 9, 2010 | gardening101
Watering seems like one of those no-brainer things but can be deceptively complex. Generally, with lawns, shrubs, and trees, the goal of watering is not only to keep the plant alive but to do so in a way that produces strong roots. Then, the plant can find...
by Stephanie Suesan Smith | Nov 8, 2010 | gardening101
Planting a garden requires some preparation of the soil in which the vegetables will grow. Scratching a furrow with a hoe doesn’t work very well if you want good, healthy vegetables. Some preparation upfront will reap a lot of benefits later. Removing Weeds...