community garden plot with onions in it

Planting a garden requires some preparation of the soil in which the vegetables will grow.  Scratching a furrow with a hoe doesn’t work very well if you want good, healthy vegetables.  Some preparation upfront will reap a lot of benefits later.

Removing Weeds From Your Plot

First, you have to get to the dirt.  If there is grass covering your plot, you will have to remove it.  The temptation to till it under is understandable, but that is a big mistake.  Tilling cuts the grass and weeds into small pieces.  In effect, you sprig your plat and the grass will return with a vengeance and overwhelm your plants.

Till The Dirt

Once you have clean dirt, you need to till it loose to a depth of six inches.  The dirt should be free of clods and rocks.  It isn’t quite ready to plant in yet, though.

Add Compost

Next, spread three inches of compost on the plot.  The compost should be rich and dark and smell like good, clean dirt.  If you can see anything but that, the compost isn’t finished and you should return it to the store.

Till Compost Into The Dirt

Till the compost into the dirt until the compost is evenly spread throughout the six inches of loose soil.  The dirt should be a rich color with lots of organic matter in it.  Now you plow it into furrows and get it ready to plant.

Plan Ahead

The preceding steps should be done about three weeks before planting.  This allows the soil to settle before you plant. 

Planting The Seeds

Just before planting, run a rake over the area you are going to plant to break up any crust on the soil.  Now you can make a rut the proper depth for each type of seed in each row.  Plant the seed and water it in.  Happy gardening.


Cover of Vegetable Gardening From The Ground Up

Want to learn to garden? My first attempt at gardening ended up in failure. The weeds took over and squeezed the vegetables out. I was very frustrated by this waste of good seed, time, and money. So I became a master gardener and spent a lot of time helping other people avoid or overcome problems in their garden. 

In order to help others garden successfully, I have written a book, Vegetable Gardening from the Ground Up, available in an ebook or a paperback from Amazon. It is also in Kindle Unlimited.