There are times you need to spray your plants with a pesticide or fertilizer. To do that, you need a sprayer. I was given a Chapin G6015 Wet/Dry Hose End Sprayer to try out and review. While trying it out yesterday at my community garden plot I found it easy to use.

Fill the Sprayer
The inside of the sprayer features a filter for granules to make sure they are dissolved before being sprayed. The sprayer is filled, then the lid is screwed on. Simply put the sprayer on the end of the hose and you are ready to turn on the water.

Set the Spray Dilution
The sprayer has three settings, “dry”, “wet”, and “off”. It can be used with dry granules of fertilizer or other substances or with a liquid. To do that, you use the large yellow wheel to tell the sprayer how much of the substance you put in. The sprayer then dilutes the product with the appropriate amount of water. Being able to set the sprayer to “off” is handy if you need to reposition but don’t want to waste the stuff in the sprayer.

Set the Spray Pattern
The sprayer also has a variable spray pattern. It can come out as a shower, a slow stream, or a strong stream. I like the slow stream because it is relatively gentle but covers a lot of ground quickly. The slow stream does not hurt the plants being sprayed, something a stronger stream might do. Of course, the stronger stream goes farther, so there is that trade-off.
Good for Watering
You can use the Chapin G6015 Wet/Dry Hose End Sprayer to water your plants without anything in it. The empty spray chamber fills up with water and gets a little heavy, but not unreasonably so. Being able to water with a shower or slow stream is superior to having to use a hose without a sprayer.
In conclusion, this sprayer works well and is easy to use. It can be used with wet or dry fertilizers or other substances. The shower setting is good for foliar sprays and the slower stream setting is good for general watering.

Want to learn to garden? My first attempt at gardening ended up in failure. The weeds took over and squeezed the vegetables out. I was very frustrated by this waste of good seed, time, and money. So I became a master gardener and spent a lot of time helping other people avoid or overcome problems in their garden.
In order to help others garden successfully, I have written a book, Vegetable Gardening from the Ground Up, available in an ebook or a paperback from Amazon. It is also in Kindle Unlimited.