What is a Victory Garden?

The term “Victory Garden” was used during World War I and World War II to describe vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens grown by people in the United States. These gardens made it possible for commercially grown vegetables to be fed to the troops here and...

Using Peat Disks to Start Seeds

In North Central Texas, it is time to start your seeds for the cool spring plants you plant outside at the beginning of February.  These plants include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other above-ground plants.  You can find information on when to plant in North...

Renee’s Garden Seeds: A Review

Last year, Renee’s Garden Seeds allowed members of the garden press to get seeds for free, up to a fairly generous amount. There were flowers, vegetables, and herbs to choose from. I took advantage of that offer and got a bunch of herb seeds as well as bell...