Cover Crops for Vegetable Gardens

Cover crops are crops used to cover the soil in between plantings of the crops you intend to use, such as vegetables.  Why, you may ask, is it important to cover the soil between plantings?  Two words:  Dust Bowl.  There are other reasons, too, but...

Food Safety In Your Garden

Onions growing in red dirt Couleur / Pixabay Food safety is in the news more and more these days.  Eggs are being recalled, lettuce killed some people, and hamburger is frequently recalled for contamination with E. coli.  It is easy to watch the news and smirk as we...

Chilling Hours For Fruit Production

Snow in the peach orchard Chilling hours are one of the important things to consider before planting any fruit-bearing tree.  There are at least a couple of ways to calculate chilling hours, and I will discuss them below.  Oversimplified, chilling hours are the number...

Growing Herbs

Almost everyone uses herbs in cooking. Fresh herbs can be hard to find, so most people use dried herbs. Although more grocery stores are carrying what they call fresh herbs, the wilted stuff in the box doesn’t really compare to herbs that have just been cut from...

Square Foot Gardening

Square foot gardening has become popular as people who do not have a lot of space want to grow more of their own food.  The concept was developed by Mel Bartholomew but has been adapted by many others since then.  You can grow an incredible amount of food through a...